Virgin Atlantic - Bamboo Toothbrush - Eco Friendly Products
Bamboo Toothbrush - AV Geek - Virgin Atlantic
The first bamboo toothbrush in the skies. For the last few months, we have been working hard on an exciting @BambuuBrush project that we had to keep secret until now. Our vision has always been to change the world – one toothbrush at a time. Now thousands of people will receive one of our bamboo toothbrushes when they fly with Virgin Atlantic – the word is spreading FAST!
Since we launched in February 2019, we have been gradually spreading the @BambuuBrush message across the world and this new project with Virgin Atlantic will speed up that process.
Co-Founders Rebecca Dudbridge and Tommie Eaton are delighted by the new enterprise. Tommie said: ‘Today, our bamboo toothbrushes are used in 44 countries. Our message has always been that one simple change, multiplied by millions, will change the world. We couldn’t stand by and watch the impact that plastic pollution is having around the world. We’ve used social media, stands at festivals and partnerships with travel companies, charities, global organisations, local enterprises, hotel chains and yoga retreats – this is just the latest of those partnerships, but it’s by far the biggest.’
Rebecca added: ‘We’re the first bamboo toothbrush company to work with Virgin Atlantic on a sustainability amenity kit. An @BambuuBrush will now be given to all upper class passengers and on request to all economy passengers. As Tommie I and have travelled the world, we’ve seen first-hand the devastating impact plastic is having on our planet and our oceans. This is our way of making a difference and it’s great that so many individuals and now Virgin Atlantic are joining us.’
It’s not just the toothbrush itself – even the packaging is 100% biodegradable, made from 100% natural Kraft paper. Kraft paper usually contains 10-20% recycled paper and can be bleached to produce the white coloured affect. Our kraft paper is made without any chemicals and isn’t bleached, giving a very earthy look and holding with our ethos of keep everything simple and working towards a plastic free, eco-friendly future.
Eight million tonnes of plastic enter our oceans each year and you don’t have to fly with Virgin Atlantic to make a difference to that – if you haven’t tried an @BambuuBrush toothbrush yet, click here www.bambuubrush.com and we’ll send you one – or one each for the whole family – today.
Article written by @BambuuBrush team member - Hilary Robertson Get your bamboo toothbrush today at @BambuuBrush