Eco Friendly Products 2019 - Bamboo - Environmental Packaging
How sustainable are you? - Eco Friendly Lifestyle - Biodegradable products
There has certainly been a huge shift in society's view and actions on looking after the planet in the latter stages of 2018. Whether that was due to the huge United Nations climate change conference summit in Poland, the increased mainstream media into the effects plastic pollution is having on our planet or the fact that social media is playing a huge part in exposing dramatic facts and giving the power the knowledge in regards to global warming, recycling, pollution, the effects plastic is having on our marine life and nature in general.
Agreed, it is nearly impossible for your "every day" person, who works, has bills to pay, possibly has children plus everything else in the world that is happening, to suddenly become an organic eco-warrior over night but there is definitely simple ways in which we can all help and do our bit and go a little more green. So here are 2019's best Natural products to help you make simple changes to a more eco friendly and zero waste future.
1. @BambuuBrush - a bamboo toothbrush
Over 3.6billion plastic toothbrushes get bought every single year all around the world. It is also estimated that over 2billion plastic toothbrushes get thrown into landfills and potentially the ocean every year. So one simple change to an @BambuuBrush can start and finish your day on a more eco friendly note. @BambuuBrush are a fantastic brand who want to use the power of social media in a positive way to create One Simple Change at a time.
The @BambuuBrushes cost £3.95 which is cheaper than other bamboo toothbrush companies and they also have an amazing concept and story behind the company. They have big plans for 2019 to help 1million people around the world change to an @BambuuBrush with their #1millionby2020 campaign which links to them in the initial process of organising the set up a recycling centre in South East Asia.
This product will be huge in 2019, with the emphasis on packaging being a waste of space and more and more consumers changing to using their own. The Solid Shampoo bars are a must for anyone who wants to make small changes to their eco friendly life. These are super convenient, last forever, but best of all, they use far less packaging than liquid shampoo. You can store them in a tin you can purchase separately and reuse ad infinitum, or just in a soap dish.
3. Re-useable Bees wax food wraps
Made with beeswax, tree resin, organic jojoba oil infused into a hemp and organic cotton cloth these fantastic products let you create your perfect lunch or meal to take wherever you want without using a single-use plastic food bag.
These can last up to 1 year with constant use and a little TLC. To be washed in cold water a little eco-friendly soap.
Metal straws were a new hot topic last summer and in 2019 they will be spread far and wide across the country. They are becoming more and more accessible to your every day consumers. Another material instead of metal is bamboo, bamboo straws have been used widely in South East Asian countries in bars and restaurants and will soon be hitting the scene in Europe.
5. Biodegradable Cotton Buds
These will become more regularly available in 2019 in high street shops and a great substitute to its nemesis rival the plastic cotton buds. Made from bamboo and cotton, there are a number of companies that are selling these and will cost around £2.50 for 100 cotton buds.