Hilary Robertson 7/20/2021
We had a great clean-up session in our home town of Hitchin and our clean-up crew is growing!
One of our new partners is Blueharts Hockey Club, which inhabits a site on the edge of town and close to one of our local nature reserves. There’s often quite a lot of unsightly litter around the area and we teamed-up with some of the officials, players and their families to make a difference on 11 July 2021 - as lockdown restrictions where beginning to be eased in the UK.
Our clean-up location started at the Blueharts Hockey Club on Hitchin’s Lucas Lane and we spread out around Oughtonhead Nature Reserve, around the edges of the cricket pitch and local footpaths.
52 people joined in and together we collected an amazing total of 71.5kg!
“At first it was hard to spot some of the litter, but we found endless amounts in the woods and the bushes,” said @Bambuu co-founder Rebecca. “This is the start of a great new partnership with Blueharts and we have produced co-branded sustainable water bottles with the club shield. The members loved them!”